In my short time here, I have already seen the great diversity (of), and the numerous people who are part of the many ministries of Holy Spirit Parish. And, of the many ministries, those that deal with our youth have a particular significance. Holy Spirit School is a singular important part of this ministry. Our Catholic traditions and moral values espoused by our school are, without a doubt, the greatest gift we can give our children. The academic accomplishments of the students are a result of a dedicated and superb staff that helps to provide and enhance this excellence.
I was a student of Catholic schools for nearly twenty years, and I am so thankful for each and every year I spent in them. Having our faith be a major part of a school environment is a blessing that will not be lost on the students. Our school, its students, teachers and all who help keep the school functioning are a benefit to both our parish and our community. I am proud to be a part of this endeavor!